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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3788 Keys to Successful Handling of Hatching Eggs Poultry 07-07-22
M2422 Safe Riding Tips: 4-H ATV Safety 4-H Safety Programs, ATV Safety 07-01-22
P2944-73 D'Lo Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 06-30-22
P2944-7 Amory Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 06-29-22
P3320 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES for Central Mississippi Grasses 06-24-22
P3780 Fruit and Nut Review - Apples and Pears Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit, Trees 06-23-22
M2387 Be a Hero! Understand the COVID-19 Vaccine Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 06-22-22
P3775 Mississippi-Grown Evergreens in Winter Sympathy Designs for the Professional Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants 06-21-22
P3785 What Broiler Growers Can Expect During PAACO Audits Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Poultry 06-21-22
P2742 Water-Related Factors in Broiler Production Poultry 06-21-22
P3762 Agricultural Limestone's Neutralizing Value Soils, Soil Fertility 06-20-22
P3779 Diet Supplements for Livestock Livestock, Animal Health, Disaster Relief 06-20-22
P3777 Soybeans: Liming and Fertilization Soybeans, Soils, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing 06-15-22
P3292 Village Chicken Production in Rural Africa Poultry 06-14-22
P3774 Ten Steps to a Successful Mississippi 4-H Shooting Sports Program 4-H Shooting Sports 06-13-22
P3745 Mississippi 4-H Wildlife Habitat Education Program Manual Wildlife Youth Education 06-09-22
P3005 Pecan Bacterial Leaf Scorch Nuts, Plant Diseases, Fruit and Nut Diseases, Trees 06-09-22
P2443 Control Household Insect Pests Insects, Household Insects 06-03-22
P1423 Dairy Products Judging 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock, Dairy 06-03-22
P3234 How to Pattern a Shotgun for Turkey Hunting 4-H Shooting Sports, Wildlife Youth Education 06-02-22
