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Publication Number Titlesort descending Filed Under Date
6182 Ear Corn Storage Crib 04-14-14
P2945‐80 East Mississippi Community College Retail Analysis Economic Development 03-29-21
P2944-80 East Mississippi Community College Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P3677 Easy-to-Grow Herbs for the Landscape Herb Gardens 09-23-24
P3798 Economic and Agronomic Considerations for Nitrogen Applications in Cotton Cotton 07-22-22
P3998 Economic and Community Development Programming in Mississippi Economic Development 02-05-25
P3271 Economic Contribution of a New Broiler House in Mississippi Agricultural Economics, Poultry 02-10-22
P4057 Economic Contribution of Agricultural and Forestry Production and Processing in Mississippi: An Input-Output Analysis (2022 Data) Agricultural Economics, Agri-business 11-12-24
P3583 Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Forestry Production and Processing in Mississippi: An Input-Output Analysis (2019 Data) Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Forest Economics 10-22-24
P3954 Economic Contributions of the Mississippi Seafood Industry by Major Species in 2020 Agricultural Economics, Seafood Economics 11-06-23
P3336 Economic Evaluation of the Greenhouse Tomato Short Course Agricultural Economics, Greenhouse Tomatoes 03-30-21
IS1964 Economic Impact of Forestry and Forest Products on Mississippi's Fourth Congressional District Forestry, Forest Economics, Forestry Impacts, Wood Products 03-16-23
P3048 Economic Impact of Mississippi's Poultry Industry Agricultural Economics, Poultry 07-30-24
P3753 Economic Impact of the Jasper County Calf Marketing Program County Extension Offices, Extension Administration, Agricultural Economics, Marketing and Business Planning, Marketing 04-13-22
P3692 Economic Impact of the Southern Producers Replacement Heifer Sale Agricultural Economics, Livestock 12-10-21
P3949 Economic Impacts of Bacterial Beach Closures on the Mississippi Gulf Coast Agricultural Economics 11-08-23
P3038 Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carré Spillway on the Mississippi Oyster Fishery Seafood Economics 03-08-17
P2849 Economic Sectors Targeted by the Mississippi- Alabama Sea Grant Research, Extension, Education, and Outreach Programs Marine Resources, Seafood Economics 01-26-17
P3716-179 Ecru Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P3480-160 Ecru COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
