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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P3402 Basic Grafting Techniques Master Gardener, Flower Gardens 02-23-23
P3403 Disposal of Agricultural Waste Pesticides in Mississippi Agricultural Engineering 12-12-19
P3405 Herbicide Options for Longleaf Pine Management Forestry, Forest Management 08-26-24
P3406 Wild Turkey Ecology and Management for Mississippi and the Southeastern U.S. Natural Resources, Wildlife 05-21-21
P3407 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Sweet Potatoes Nutrition 11-08-21
P3408 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Zucchini Nutrition 11-22-21
P3410 Establishing a Home Fruit Orchard Fruit, Lawn and Garden, Landscape and Garden Design 12-16-19
P3411 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Greens Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-25-24
P3412 Water Utility Compensation and Employee/Contractor Retention Survey Results 2021 Water 08-24-22
P3413 4-H LEGO Engineering Club On the Farm • Volume 2 4-H, STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math 05-02-23
P3415 Forest Herbicide Effectiveness on Mississippi Tree and Shrub Species Forestry 05-01-23
P3416 Establishing a Hunting Lease on Your Land: Legal Considerations for Wildlife-Related Recreation Natural Resources, Wildlife 02-23-23
P3417 Cover Crops: Establishment and Termination Guide Agriculture 03-01-23
P3418 Final Report: Survey of Overlooked Costs of the 2019 Backwater Flood in the Yazoo Mississippi Delta Agriculture, Disaster Response, Disaster Recovery 02-17-20
P3419 2020 Mississippi Medallion Plants Commercial Horticulture, Flower Gardens 04-07-22
P3421 Forage Management Considerations for Horses in Mississippi Livestock 03-05-20
P3423 Water Science and Stewardship Water, Mississippi Water Stewards 04-19-23
P3424 Add Healthy Foods to Your Recipes Health and Wellness, Food and Health 07-30-24
P3425 Cover Crops: Seeding Rates and Planting Depths for Cool-Season Species Crops 03-16-23
P3426 Preserved Magnolia Wreath for the Farmer Florist Floral Design 04-04-23
