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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P966 Fruit and Nut Recommendations for Mississippi Fruit, Lawn and Garden 10-16-24
P799 4-H Dairy Poster Contest 4-H, Dairy 05-06-24
P483 Nematode Control in the Home Garden Lawn and Garden, Plant Diseases, Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services 04-04-23
P450 Your 4-H Horse: Care, Management, and Horsemanship Youth Horse 09-19-23
P4058 Document Review: A Method for Conducting a Needs Assessment Professionals Corner 11-05-24
P4056-2 2023 RR2X & XF Soybean Late Maturity Group IV Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 11-04-24
P4056-1 2023 Enlist E3 Soybean Maturity Group IV & V Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 11-04-24
P4054 Preparing for Your Mississippi Wood Destroying Insect License Exam Termites, Pests 10-18-24
P4052 Ways to Conquer Household Clutter Health and Wellness 10-23-24
P4050 Recycled Glass Sand: An Introduction to Repurposing Waste Glass in Your Community Health and Wellness, Production Phases and Systems, Environment, Waste Management 11-01-24
P4049 Sampling for Varroa Mites Using an Alcohol Wash Plant Diseases 10-30-24
P4048 Custom Rates for Mississippi Agricultural Practices Agricultural Economics 10-08-24
P4047 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Oranges Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4046 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Pears Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4045 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Peaches Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4044 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Kiwi Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4041 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Bananas Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4040 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Apricots Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P4037 A Checklist of Disease Management Recommendations for Tree Fruit Production Fruit and Nut Diseases 09-24-24
P4036 Exploring Broadband Adoption in Mississippi Agricultural Economics 10-07-24
